Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything is a book by Don Tapscott and Anthony Williams, published in December 2006. It explores how some companies in the early 21st century have used mass collaberation, or peer production, and open-source technology such as wikis to be successful. Tapscott and Williams have released a followup to Wikinomics, entitled "Macrowikinomics, rebooting business and the world", which was released on September 28, 2010.
According to Tapscott, Wikinomics is all based around four ideas: Openness, Peering, Sharing, and Acting Globally. The use of mass collaboration in a business environment, in recent history, can be seen as an extension of the trend in business to outsource: externalize formerly internal business functions to other business entities. The difference however is that mass collaboration relies on free individual agents to come together and cooperate to improve a given operation or solve a problem, instead of an organized business body brought into being specifically for a unique function. This kind of outsourcing is also referred to as crowd sourcing, to reflect this difference.
World English Dictionary
1. The act of working with another or others on a joint project
2. Something created by working jointly with others
3. The act of cooperating as a traitor, esp with an enemy occupying one's own country